How to speed up playback on mac blu ray player
How to speed up playback on mac blu ray player

how to speed up playback on mac blu ray player how to speed up playback on mac blu ray player

Note: It is possible to burn a HD “BluRay” disc using a standard DVD-R disc and burner. If you are making a disc for an offical COM Production screening you must start this process no later then 36 hours before the screening! It is not uncommon to discover a problem with your source file which requires having the student who created the film re-export the sequence with the correct settings. If you have a 1 hour movie it could take 4+ hours to burn. If you have an 15 minute movie it might take 1+ hour to compress and burn. For BluRay Discs it will take 3-4 times the length of the source file for the disc to be created. The process of creating a DVD or BluRay is the same and described below.īefore you begin make sure to budget for the time needed to burn the disc. We also have several external BluRay burners for burning proper BluRay discs.

how to speed up playback on mac blu ray player

Mac Computers in the editing suites in COM have DVD burners in them which can be used to make DVDs or short BluRay-on-DVD discs.

How to speed up playback on mac blu ray player